Educational Programs

for information about CD/FW's new dance school, see our Dance Classes page

Help us deliver DANCE to more FWISD students during 2014-15 by donating to CD/FW's first Indiegogo campaign!

Your support will help to create a pilot project after-school dance program at South Hills Elementary School while supporting Jessica Thomas as a teaching artist for "Dance Delivered" programs throughout the FWISD.

Contemporary Dance / Fort Worth's Dance Delivered brings dance programming to underserved communities and the general public to reach audiences and participants of all ages, abilities, ethnicities, and socio- economic backgrounds. This is accomplished through presenting performances, teaching residencies, workshops and master classes in schools, community centers, workplaces, shopping centers, museums, parks, festivals, landmarks and other targeted locations throughout the Metroplex.

Adopt a School Program

Classes & Workshops

Delivering Dance to the Community Since 1990


Why study dance? Modern dance is founded on the principles of individualism, discovery, and freedom of expression, all of which foster independence and self-esteem in children of all ages. CD/FW's educational programs promote interdisciplinary studies and underscore the relationship of the arts to all areas of education. Students learn to:

  • Value the importance of teamwork and cooperation
  • Enhance their creativity
  • Develop a positive attitude toward themselves and others
  • Trust their classmates through exercises in partnering and weight-sharing
  • Develop self-esteem and confidence
  • Practice problem-solving skills
  • Increase communication skills in a non-competitive atmosphere
  • Develop kinetic awareness and motor coordination
  • Explore ways of using time, space and energy
  • Make aesthetic judgments
  • Increase appreciation for dance as an expressive art and recognize the relationship of dance to the other arts